Ayurveda is an ancient medical science native to India.
How it works
Like increases like, opposites bring balance. Ayurveda's approach to acute conditions is to identify qualities associated with the condition, then apply actions and/or ingredients opposite to that condition, thereby creating an inhospitable environment to the condition present and bringing balance back to the body.
Why is Ayurveda relevant now
Treatment is personalised to the individual, acknowledging the range in our physiology. Ayurveda offers healing and relief without side effects and provides alternatives to what has been an overuse or inappropriate use of Antibiotics. Ayurveda's core philosophy is to protect, heal and strengthen both the patient and the source of our medicine, Earth. Ayurveda can and does support successful Allopathic (modern medicine) treatment. Ayurveda, Yoga and Vedanta have profound insights and steps to support behavioural change and mental health, a still struggling treatment system in our culture.
Global Community & Ayurveda
AYUSH confirms WHO's recognition of Ayurveda: https://pratibha.digitalindiacorporation.in/ayuweb/en/is-ayurveda-recognised-by-w-h-o/
The WHO publishes guidelines for training in Ayurveda, February 2022: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240042711
The WHO publishes guidelines for the practice of Ayurveda, February 2022: https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789240042674
Meet Shreya
I’ve helped hundreds through Ayurveda, Yoga and Advaita Vedanta over the course of 13 years, while also formulating various products and treatments. I hold the title of Vaidya Bhushana (doctoral degree in Ayurveda) and am a NAMA Board certified Ayurvedic Practitioner.
I've had the great satisfaction of seeing clients recover from addictive habits and heal from chronic UTIs, insistent bodily pain and more. I spent years researching and developing an alternative herbal birth control method that has also proven effective in relieving symptoms of vaginal itching, burning and swelling. I'll soon be launching a hair-care line to further support reduction of chemical use in our daily lives and give a serious boost to hair health.
I believe in nature as an instrument for healing, being in it and working with it. I believe our experience of ill health is due to our having become more and more removed from nature; and in our indulgence of the industrial, we have sped up beyond the guiding rhythms of nature that intrinsically sustain health. The daily rituals of self-care in Ayurveda are a constant invitation for reconnection with ourselves and with the silence and presence of nature that never seems too far away, if we look for it.
It was my incredible fortune to study Ayurveda, Yoga and Advaita Vedanta under a traditional teacher and expert doctors in the field of Ayurveda for 12 years. I am daily grateful for the wellspring of knowledge that I've been exposed to and strive to continue to learn from.